Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Attract What You Are

The below mentioned experiment is off to a s-l-o-w start. I made some effort to see this man before the Thanksgiving holiday when he was leaving town. But, honestly it really wasn't a determined effort. This man will be good practice for me, but he just doesn't spark that motivation to pursue. And since I’ve vowed to follow my gut, this experiment takes some more effort.

Recently a thought has been circling and resurfacing and frankly causing some discomfort in my brain. They say "like attracts like" or “you are what you attract.” So if my complaint is that every man I meet is incapable of true emotion and/or an emotional connection, what does that say about me?

The good news, I tell myself, is that the kind of man I am attracted to is changing. It used to be the extremely good looking, bad boy or in other words the emotionally incapable. Now those turn me off a bit. Phew.

I am determined to invite this hard working (nice way of saying workaholic), successful man over for dinner, woo him with food, wine and finally ask him directly what it is he’s really looking for. If he proves to be slightly of the abovementioned category then I’m dunzo with money man.
Thanks for your support.


  1. Did you invite him over? How did it go?

    Have a lovely christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas Kitty! I am now working on my next post which will explain in more detail that I have not invited him over and I will not. You'll see in a moment why. UGH.
