Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who pays??

This one I need help with. Especially with online dating. What’s your opinion? When is it appropriate to go dutch and when does one person treat? I know I like a man to pay for me; it seems traditional, maybe even old fashioned, but it's what I want. It shows that he wants to be there with me. I in turn will cook dinner for him and/or treat every few times.

Maybe my desire to be treated stems from my past issue of taking care of people, even supporting men financially in a relationship. (Oh, if I could take that back now how my life would be less stressful.) But, here I am. And really it seems finding a relationship is as much timing as it is anything else. In this time in my life I want to be treated, I want to attract a man who is financially stable enough to take me out. Am I asking too much?


  1. I don't mind paying on a date but I have no interest in becoming a food service plan. Once I offered to take a woman to Safeway after her focus on the dinner-date became obsessive. Not all dates need include food, right?

  2. Anonymous, I totally agree! The best on-a-budget date I've heard of was a guy buying kites and taking the girl to the park to fly kites. Thoughtful, romantic and sweet. A planned activity is bound to be a fun date. Packing a picnic would be another way to show you care without spending too much.

  3. The person who initiates the first date should pay, but with that said the date doesn't have to be a big affair. A coffee date is a good way to see if there is a spark and it doesn't cost much. If there is a spark and several dates follow I think it is nice to alternate who pays.......and you are right, some of the most romantic dates are free.

  4. The world is as you dream it. I know you, and I believe you deserve everything on your wish list. I hope you've written one.
